Member Spotlight - Sarah
It’s a family affair!
Sarah joined us in January 2023 and is a busy mum of two children, Jacob and Neive. She is also wife to husband Nathan and has a full time job at Yorkshire Building Society.
CrossFit has become a lifestyle for Sarah and the whole family over the last 2 years. Initially her children joined our CrossFit kids classes before Sarah took the plunge and joined herself. Shortly after, Nathan joined and the whole family have been very active and attending classes ever since! Over 1050 classes within two years to be exact!
Sarah has increased her fitness and strength and already achieved so much. We really can’t wait to see what 2025 brings for her and the whole family!
How long have you been a member?
I’ve been a member for nearly 2 years! I joined in Jan 2023-can’t believe it’s been so long! My first class was 14th Jan 2023.
What made you join CrossFit Huddersfield?
I originally brought Nieve when she was 5 to the Kids CrossFit class, I needed something for her to do whilst Jacob was at gymnastics on a Saturday morning and the kids class worked perfectly! Once Jacobs gymnastics classes changed, he started to go to kids class too and about 4 months later, after meeting a few of the other parents who were members, I decided I would give it a go too!
What is your favourite exercise, skill or movement?
I love the gymnastics stuff and most exercises that involve lifting over head- push press and push jerk mainly!
Any tips or advice for new members?
You don’t need to be super strong to start at CrossFit or know anything about weightlifting terminology! I was worried that I couldn’t lift heavy and that I couldn’t do a pull up, then I realised that most of the women in the class struggled with pull ups and no one cares what you can lift (we’re all too interested in own PBs!) and the coaches are so great at supporting you with terminology and technique.
What do you like most about being a member?
Everyone is so supportive of each other’s strengths and will help you with weaknesses too, they’re always happy to offer advice. I’ve also made so many new friends and have a much more interesting social life than before! I also love that my kids can come down, not just to their class but that they are welcome at any time, whether that’s just to sit in the lounge and be safe whilst we workout or whether they’re in the gym watching us and learning!
Who / What inspires you?
In the gym I would have to say all the women in there, they’re strong and resilient and work so hard on the things that they want to improve on and its amazing to see! My daughter is my motivation for wanting to be fitter and healthy. I try hard to be a role model for her showing, as a woman, it’s not about being skinny or lean, it’s about being strong and healthy!
What has been your biggest achievement to date?
Getting my kipping pull ups and Toes to bar! It’s taken almost 2 years, but I’ve got at least 2 or 3 in the tank!
Future goals and aspirations?
Next thing is to break the 100kg deadlift and get better at heavy squats in general.
What do you do for a living?
I work in projects for Yorkshire Building Society, its my job to work with the Senior Leaders to understand the changes they need and then translate it into a business case and mobilise a project for them.
What are you reading or listening to?
I’m not a big reader unless I’m on holiday, but I do regularly listen to the podcast ‘Parenting Hell’
Do you have any hobbies?
Between the gym, work and taxiing my kids to various clubs I don’t have time for anything else.
Favourite place you’ve travelled?
Mauritius for our honeymoon, white sands, and still clear waters plus lush greenery, it was gorgeous.
Where are you from? Where did you go to school?
I’m originally from Bradford and went to an all-girls catholic school (as you can probably tell!) I didn’t get the grades I wanted for the uni I wanted to go to so decided to stay at home and work instead- I’ve been with Yorkshire Building Society for nearly 22 years now! I only moved to Huddersfield in 2012 when I met Nathan.
Describe what a perfect day outside of work would look like for you?
A leisurely get up and breakfast out somewhere, followed by a spa day including a loooong massage then dinner with lots of wine 😊 either by myself, with Nathan or with my girlfriends! I’d have to balance it out the next day with doing something fun with the kids though haha
Fun fact that people probably don’t know about you!
I’m a pretty good skier (much better than Nathan) and my mum has a house in the Alps so I’ve been learning French for the last 2 years.