Member Spotlight - Pam

Meet Pam!

Pam joined us back in January, she regularly attends our CrossFit classes and our dedicated class for over 55’s every Wednesday.

Pam is 67 years young! You really are never too old to start!

Since joining she has seen improvements in her strength, mobility and fitness, plus her body shape and weight have changed in a way she is happy about without really changing anything diet wise.

She has hit a 50kg deadlift and strung a couple of double unders together!

All in all an incredibly lovely lady who has a very, very full life!

We are excited to see what the next 6 months brings and I think we definitely need a karaoke night at the Waggon!

  • So Pam…… How long have you been a member?

  • Must be about 10 months now

  • What made you join CrossFit Huddersfield?

  • CrossFit was recommended to me by my sister in law   She lives in Dumfries and she is over 70. Also my niece who lives in Northhampton has just qualified as an instructor at her local CrossFit gym

  • What is your favourite exercise, skill or movement?

  • I really like the ski machine, the rowing machine and strangely wall balls

  • Any tips or advice for new members?

  • Just try it, It is not like any other gym, no “posers” and everyone is so supportive

  • What do you like most about being a member?

  • Being a member has made me commit to attending 3 times a week and I can see how attending has made a difference to my body shape, happy about that and I feel stronger.

  • Who/what inspires you?

  • Everyone at the gym have their own story I guess and their own reasons for being there. Everyone celebrates achievements with each other Its just a great place to escape from all the doom gloom and drama of life in general

  • What has been your biggest achievement to date?

  • So far I have managed to lift 50 Kg in a deadlift which I was chuffed with, and I have executed 2 “double unders” didn’t even know what they were before

  • Future goals and aspirations?

  • It is my goal to be able to execute a full pull up on the rig, I am a good way off that as yet but I feel I will get there

  • What do you do for a living? 

  • At the moment I run a Pub in Meltham with my husband Michael. The Waggon.  We have been here for 23 years. I also teach an exercise class and I am exploring lots of ideas of new business interests

  • What are you reading or listening to?

  • I listen to lots of Personal development audio books, never have time to actually read a book. My favourite authors of the minute are Wayne Dyer, Bob Proctor and Esther and Jerry  Hicks.

  • Do you have any hobbies?

  • Not really a hobby person My husband would probably say my “exercise, gym stuff”

  • Favourite place you’ve travelled?

  • We went to Kenya some years ago and went on Safari into the national Parks I have always loved wild life but coming face to face with a magnificent Elephant, I fell in love with them,  I intend to go back and visit the Elephant Orphanage in Nairobi.

  • Where are you from? Where did you go to school?

  • I come from Aberdeen, where I lived until I was 17, then I set off on Life’s adventure, I trained as a Nursery Nurse which took me to London to work, Then to South Wales, back to Aberdeen for about 15 years and eventually ended up in Meltham

  • Describe what a perfect day outside of work would look like for you?

  • I am a creature of simple pleasures. My perfect day would start with a very leisurely morning with a time for bit of meditation, my morning yoga practise, a walk with my dog, (preferably along a beach front, I really love and miss the sea) The rest of the day would include time with my 2 beautiful daughters and grandchildren, of which I have 5. I love cooking and without the pressure of work and the time it gobbles up I would just enjoy life.

  • Fun fact that people probably don’t know about you!

  • I love to sing!!!



Member Spotlight - Sarah


Why I Started CrossFit Huddersfield